

UK Universities Purchasing Consortia (UKUPC) has compiled a guidance document covering on-site COVID-19 testing. It covers a wide range of information regarding SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) tests, testing and what our members are doing in order to inform those who are considering the options available to them for their own organisation.

Included within the guide are details on the procurement options for testing available via relevant UKUPC framework agreements.

The guide is a living document and will be regularly updated to reflect any changes in legislation or scientific advancements, as well as reflecting government advice and the changing landscape.

Click here to access the guidance document.

For any queries, please contact;

Antonio Ramirez or 0207 307 2764  (Life Sciences and Molecular Biology framework agreements)

Roy Dennis or 07419 583838 (Occupational Health framework agreement) 

Emma Keenan, Deputy Director or 07849 089958 (any other queries).