The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, an organisation we work closely with on Sustainability, will be holding the following events, which may be of interest to you and your colleagues.
London Higher Education Workshop: June 15th
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s next London Higher Education Workshop is on 15 June 2.00-3.30pm. In this "Student Takeover Special", the mic will be handed over to students who are making real change at their universities from the ground up. This workshop will provide collaborative sessions to move towards more circular economy teaching & research and circular campus management integrated into London universities.
To join the workshop, register here and please share with any colleagues who may also be interested in attending
Circular Economy (CE) Week London: June 14-18
Hosted by Re.London, Circular Economy Week London is a showcase and celebration of the work being done to tackle the climate crisis by accelerating the transition to a circular economy. This is a fantastic opportunity to shout about the circular economy initiatives at your institution across teaching, research, campus management, and student-led projects. You can get involved by signing up to host an event here.
Sign the Direction of Travel
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation are calling on all London higher education institutions to indicate their commitment to circular economy ambitions by signing the Direction of Travel Statement which you can access here.