LUPC is pleased to announce that members can now access the new eTendering Platform framework agreement ITS5081 LU, which went live on 1st October 2024. It is available for two years, with two optional of one year each. Whilst the previous agreement (ITS5058 LU) was a single supplier framework, the new agreement now offers three different systems, to provide customers with more choice and the opportunity to run mini competitions based on their singular requirements.
This framework is available to members of LUPC, APUC, CPC, HEPCW, NWUPC and SUPC.
Length of agreement and any extension time
2 years initial framework term plus 2 annual optional extension periods:
Framework start date: 1st October 2024
Framework end date: 30th September 2026
Potential extension 1: 1st October2026 – 30th September 2027
Potential extension 2: 1st October2027 – 30th September 2028
Lot structure
Single lot, multi supplier framework agreement.
Framework Details
- This is a single lot, 3 supplier framework for the provision of eTendering platform.
- This is a ranked framework agreement:
- In-tend (1st ranked)
- Cimple (2nd ranked)
- Mercell (3rd ranked)
- All suppliers provide eTendering software that encompass the following 5 electronic procurement functions:
- Tendering
- Tender evaluation
- Contract Management (and Contract Register)
- Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS)
- Electronic Auction (eAuctions)
- All suppliers provide helping guidance, training resources and helpdesk support.
- All suppliers are working with the Cabinet Office to ensure the systems are compatible with the necessary of the Procurement Act 2023 (PA2023).
- Fixed commercial terms.
- Fully compliant tendered agreement, enabling a compliant route to market for participating Institutions to access pre-qualified suppliers.
- Detailed technical data available to members.
- Opportunities for System Demos from the suppliers.
- Live supplier sustainability data available to members and contract managers via the Supplier Due Diligence Tool, hosted on the LUPC’s RP Hub.
- Robust framework management process in place.
- Ranking Refresh applicable to the two extension years: if a supplier must their pricing during the extension periods, the new pricing used to recalculate the supplier rankings to manage the impact of possible increases.
How to call-off from the Framework
The framework offers 3 call off routes to market:
- Direct Award: the quickest route to market, for customers to engage directly with the no. 1 ranked supplier. Note: implementation requirements will still need to be specified and costed with the no. 1 ranked supplier.
- Desktop Exercise: customers can amend the evaluation criteria by up to twenty percentage points, to align the original ITS5081 LU tender weightings to an Institution’s particular requirements. Using the Desktop Calculator may modify the lot rankings of the three different suppliers. Members must be satisfied themselves that the Desktop Exercise complies with the provisions of PCR and/or their own procurement policy or their institution’s financial regulations.
- Mini Competition: customers can prepare their own specification based on particular technical and particular requirements, and run a mini completion to select the eTendering platform that best fulfils their needs. This also provides the opportunity to capture additional savings and agree a bespoke training and support outputs.
Responsible Procurement credentials
- Built into the tendering process was consideration for various Responsible Procurement themes and criteria. At framework level, each supplier was qualified via two Award Questionnaire questions covering Social Value and Carbon Reduction. This section was weighted at 5% with the view that call off customers can augment this figure at call off stages.
- All suppliers have agreed to the Sustain Code of Conduct, and have committed to delivering social value initiatives throughout the framework term.
- In addition, all suppliers will be uploading their Responsible Procurement initiatives and credentials on the LUPC's RP Hub. This is an online RP portal launching soon that captures supplier and supply chain sustainability related information for members to access, understand and measure the sustainability of their supply chains.
Launch Webinar
LUPC will be working with the suppliers to plan the Launch webinar(s) in the coming weeks, which will be advertised to LUPC’s event page and other UKUPC channels.
For any questions please feel free to contact Antonio Ramirez.