LUPC has negotiated membership of the Higher Education Procurement Association (HEPA) for its non higher education members.
The Higher Education Procurement Association (HEPA) is a membership organisation for heads of procurement and their teams. It was established in 2011 with the aim to enable more effective national collaboration between likeminded organisations. HEPA now hosts on its website a huge array of advice, guidance and resources which will be invaluable for you in your procurement role, or when you are considering procurement matters in your business. Key benefits include:
- HEPA Pro: A suite of 11 e learning modules covering topics such as writing a specification, contract management, spend analysis and counter fraud.
- A discussion board, enabling you to post a question about anything procurement related and where any one of HEPA’s 4000+ members will post a response to help you.
- The Procurement Journey, a step by step online guide through procurement from low level / low risk to high level OJEU requirements. This includes guidance and templates to help you
- Regular procurement related news on a huge range of topics from compliance to sustainability, Brexit to VAT.
- Access to regular free and paid for training and networking events
- How to guides on writing a procurement strategy, sustainable procurement and training resources you can adapt and brand to support you when training those outside of procurement in your organisation
The cost to access all this, for all those with an interest in procurement in your organisation is just £500 per annum. However, as an introductory offer, LUPC will subsidise half of this meaning the cost to you will be just £250 +VAT. The membership year runs between August and July. If you sign up after the 1st of February, the cost for your first subscription (providing access until the end of July) is half that, meaning you will need to pay just £125.
Whilst HEPA is officially established for those in Higher Education Institutions, due to the similarities in legislation and organisation almost everything on the website will be entirely appropriate and useful for those outside of that sector. The parent organisation of HEPA is BUFDG, to note that access to their resources is not included in this offer.
Sign Up
If you would like to sign up to access HEPA, please e mail Caroline Ford and confirming that you are a full LUPC member and would like to join HEPA. Please include:
- Your full organisation name
- Your full business address
- Your telephone number
- Your website address
- Your E mail address suffix ( or .org)
- A purchase order number to LUPC (this will enable us to invoice you). Invoices for future years’ subscriptions will come directly from HEPA.
Once received, HEPA will register your organisation and we will confirm the details of how individuals can access the resources quickly and easily.
Should you have any queries, please contact Emma Keenan our deputy director on 0207 307 2767.