Our new Strategy, Working together to achieve shared goals in a changing world, focuses on six key areas that the consortium will deliver for members over the next three years. It builds on the progress we have made in the last three years, especially in areas like Responsible Procurement, where we continue to lead the way.
We have also developed as an organisation by working closer with UKUPC’s partners and its working groups. One of our goals is to collaborate widely to share, learn and streamline activity to maximise benefit for our members. As well as joining forces with our UKUPC partners, we will work with a wide range of additional external stakeholders to learn best practice that we can share with our members.
A new area of focus in this strategy is to ensure customer service excellence in all we do. We don’t want to just provide good customer service; we want to excel in it. LUPC exists to serve our members and it is right that we ensure customer service excellence is central to everything we do.
To keep you updated on how we are performing, we will measure our progress against the KPIs we have set in the strategy and report on this in our annual review.