Marisol Bernal, LUPC’s Responsible Procurement Lead recently attended Carbon Literacy training delivered jointly by the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) and the Association of University Directors of Estates (AUDE). The two half day virtual training focused on understanding climate change and learning about the environmental impact we make on a personal and professional level with our everyday actions. Marisol shares her thoughts on the course:
My objective for taking this course was to learn the important concepts about climate change from professionals within the higher education sector and importantly, to understand how I can reduce my own carbon footprint.
Over the two days, we explored the basics of climate change science, the relevant terminology, the greenhouse effect and we identified the different greenhouse gases that human activities have added to into the atmosphere.
We mapped our own carbon footprint and reflected on the changes and challenges needed to reduce it. We explored the equity and fairness of climate change, identifying the countries that contribute the most to climate change and the ones more affected from it.
I encourage anyone wanting to learn more about climate change to take this course, it’s a great opportunity to learn from the experts. Participants can also share their own resources and knowledge relevant to the higher education sector.
If you are interested in attending, please visit the EAUC website for more information or email