NEUPC is delighted to announce that UKUPC members (APUC, HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC and SUPC) now have access to the latest Life Sciences Equipment, Materials and Services Framework (LAB2010 NE). The agreement runs from the 11 April 2023 until the 10 April 2026, with an optional 12-month extension to 10 April 2027. A full user guide is available on HE Contracts.
Scope of the framework:
The Life Sciences Equipment, Materials and Services Framework covers the purchase of the following:
Lot 1: Equipment
- (q)PCR standard thermocyclers
- ‘Real Time’ or ‘Live’ Cell Imaging Systems
- Real Time Cell Electronic Sensing Technology
- Real Time PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
- Automated RNA / DNA Extraction Systems
- DNA Sequencers / Genetic Analysers
- RNA Interference
- Bioreactors
- Cell Counters
- Cell Preparation Systems
- Cell Sorters
- Electroporation / Cell Fusion Instruments
- Flow Cytometers
- FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer)
- Microplate Readers Dual Mode
- Microplate Readers Multi-Mode
- Microplate Readers Single Mode
- Specialist Microplate Readers
- Multiplexing instruments including microfluidics platforms, multiplexing PCR instruments etc
- Sequencers and associated accessories and consumables
Lot 2: Materials
The list of products covered in this lot is both comprehensive and extensive and is available on HE Contracts. Examples of the types of products covered are as follows;
- (Re)agents
- Enzymes
- Oligonucleotides (primers)
- Sera
- Test Kits
- Antibodies
- Cell Culture
Lot 3: Services
- Next Generation sequencing
- Sanger Sequencing
- Genotyping
- Sample Storage
Awarded Suppliers
A list of awarded suppliers can be found on HEC and within the User Guide.
Framework Launch Webinar
UKUPC members are invited to attend the Life Sciences Framework Agreement launch webinar on Thursday 4 May 10.00-11.00. For joining details or any questions about this framework, please contact Matt Johnson, NEUPC Category Manager.