We're pleased to announce that members of LUPC, APUC, HEPCW, NEUPC, NWUPC, and SUPC can now access the new national Debt Recovery Services framework agreement. The framework start date is 26 June 2023 and is for an initial three-year period to 25 June 2026 with the option to extend for a further year.
This agreement consists of two Lots:
- Lot 1: Debt Recovery Services (Student Focused)
- Lot 2: Debt Recovery Services (Commercial Focused)
Framework details
The lot structure enhances its previous iteration allowing for pre-legal and legal recoveries to be undertaken by one supplier, with lot 1 highlighting suppliers with services to recover student debt while considering the wellbeing of the student and the reputation of the member. Lot 2 provides access to suppliers with services to recover commercial debt.
The specification of the framework allows flexibility to split debt types across the two lots or to consolidate to one supplier.
- Compliant route to debt recovery services for members.
- A lot structure aligned to a wide range of member requirements.
- Flexibility to split or consolidate student and commercial debt.
- All suppliers under the framework can provide both pre-legal and legal recoveries using in-house or subcontracted lawyers.
- No win, no fee solution.
- Competitive capped rates.
- All suppliers are FSA or SRA regulated companies / law firms.
- Provides debt recovery for both regulated and non-regulated debt.
- A variety of call off options, including two options for direct award.
- A variety of quality debt recovery agencies and law firms.
- Suppliers evaluated on responsible procurement and social value to ensure that the new agreement meets the requirements of the sustainability, equality and diversity policies and standards of both the consortium and members.
How do I call-off from the framework agreement?
As your debt portfolio is unlikely to replicate the evaluation methods used for the tender, we strongly recommend running a further competition to deliver the best value to your organisation. The suppliers provided a range of pricing which can be improved upon during a further competition. However, where the pricing and services meet your requirements, the framework allows for:
- Direct award (ranked)
- Direct award (un-ranked)
- Desktop Calculator
- Further competition.
Please refer to the Buyer’s Guide in HE Contracts for full details.
How has sustainability, equality and diversity been considered as part of the tender?
As a professional service, tender questions focused on areas of equality, diversity and inclusion. It evaluated wages, benefits and working conditions for all types of employees (agency, temporary staff and contractors) to ensure equal treatment, and looked at how the suppliers promote equality and diversity throughout the term of the framework.
All Suppliers on the agreement confirmed their compliance with the Sustain Code of Conduct.
Framework Launch Webinar
LUPC will be arranging for a launch webinar and additional launch materials in due course.
If you have any questions, please contact Roy Dennis, Senior Category Manager, LUPC.