We are delighted to announce the launch of the re-tendered Office, Paper, EOS & Library Supplies Framework (OFF3166 NW) to members. The retendered agreement provides a compliant and responsible route for universities to purchase general office products, bulk paper, toner, ink and also library supplies. This framework amalgamates two existing agreements: Office Computer & Library and Paper Print & Specialist.
The agreement will run from the 1st November 2024 to the 31st October 2026 with a possible extension of 2 x one yearly extensions up to 31st October 2026.
The framework is open to members of: NWUPC, APUC, HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC and SUPC.
A 2-page brief introductory guide is available for the framework and can be found here.
A full user guide is available on HEContracts.
Key benefits of using the Framework:
With the new framework there is a greater emphasis on suppliers providing greener solutions across all four of the lots.
- In Lot 1, there is an option for members to decide if they want to have a standard kerbside delivery, or pay more for a small premium for a desktop delivery option.
- Fast and compliant route to market.
- Competitive prices.
- A wide choice of suppliers to match your organisational requirements and culture.
- A set of standard added-value services across all suppliers, complemented by supplier specific added-value services detailed further in the tender response.
The new framework will be under 4 lots as below:
- Lot 1 – Office Supplies
- Lot 2 – Bulk Paper
- Lot 3 – Electronic Office (Computer) Supplies
- Lot 4 – Library Supplies
The Office, Paper, EOS and Library Supplies (OFF3166 NW) Framework has been established for the provision of the following goods:
- Lot 1 – Office Supplies: general office products, cut paper (desktop delivery quantities), minor office equipment, envelopes, furniture and presentation, printer toner and ink, computer external storage, computer peripherals e.g. cables, media storage, book care, book trolleys and display supplies, library security supplies, referencing supplies, janitorial products for office use, other office supplies products, other computer supplies products, other library supplies products. This list is not exhaustive.
- Lot 2 – Bulk Paper: includes, but is not limited to, the following scope: coated and uncoated papers, recycled and virgin papers, cut sheet and reel papers, a variety of paper sizes including SR, A4 and A3 and a variety of FSC and PEFC certified papers. This list is not exhaustive. This Lot is not intended to fulfil desktop paper requirements, as this is covered by the Office Supplies lot (Lot 1). However, specialist papers can be purchased in smaller quantities rather than pallets.
- Lot 3 – Electronic Office (Computer) Supplies: includes, but is not limited to, the following scope; printer toner and ink, computer external storage, computer peripherals e.g. cables, media storage, other computer supplies products. This list is not exhaustive.
- Lot 4 – Library Supplies: includes, but is not limited to, the following scope; book care, book trolleys and display supplies, library security supplies, referencing supplies, other library supplies products.
How do I buy from the framework?
This Framework Agreement allows you to buy through three options. Direct award, desktop exercise or further competition. You should choose the option most appropriate to your purchase taking into consideration; your Organisational Procurement Guidance and Financial Regulations, the product you wish to purchase and the specific requirements of your organisation.
How has Responsible Procurement been considered as part of the tender?
The NETpositive Supplier Engagement Tool will be used as part of contract management.
The UKUPC Supply Chain Code of Conduct was issued to suppliers as part of this tender.
At Selection Suppliers were assessed for;
- Compliance with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015
- Payment of the Real Living Wage
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity
- Carbon Reduction Plan
Recognising both the environmental and social risks associated with in-scope products, with the award criteria, suppliers were asked questions on the following topics:
- Labour Conditions
- Packaging Materials
Further information:
Full agreement details, including how to use the agreement and supplier contact details by Lot can be found on HEContracts.