LUPC is seeking nominations for board elections.
Are you at Director level or is there a Director within your organisation where there would be mutual benefit to being on the LUPC Board? If so, we hope you will consider standing yourself or share this article with a Director you may have identified. A nomination will be required from another member organisation (we can help you with this).
As a company, we are governed by our Articles of Association and these can be seen here: LUPC Articles. We are owned by our members and the company is overseen by LUPC’s Board, the current Board members are listed on our Governance pages: LUPC Governance.
Board meetings are held every three months on a Friday morning, either via Teams or occasionally in person at LUPC’s London office. These are in March, June, September and December, usually around the middle of the month.
This year we have three vacancies for Directors to join our Board. Directorships are not remunerated, but past directors have invariably found the experience an interesting, rewarding and beneficial one. To ensure a broad spread of category and skill representation across the Board, we are particularly interested in applications from candidates with skills in HR or from those working in a senior Responsible Procurement role.
If you do not have these specific skills, please do not let this deter you from applying as we have three positions to fill, we may not receive nominations from candidates in these areas and other opportunities to join may happen during the year.
LUPC promotes a diverse and inclusive community and we welcome applications from any under- represented groups; it is our intention to have a Board that reflects the diversity of our membership.
The closing date for nominations is close of business on 5 July 2024.
The board election process is here. If you are interested in putting yourself forward for Board membership or would like more information, please contact Don Bowman, LUPC Director.