UKUPC is pleased to present the UKUPC Annual Impact Statement for 2022-23.
APUC, HEPCW, LUPC,NEUPC, NWUPC, SUPC, TEC, and TUCO work in partnership to provide a consistent service of procurement guidance, support and best practice for their members.
“With each year, we are enhancing our collaborative ethos by working more efficiently together to reduce duplication, share resource and expertise, and provide opportunities for knowledge sharing which adds value to our members’ procurement activity.” Julie-Ann Garton, Managing Director of NWUPC and Chair of UKUPC.
A summary of the key highlights are below, but please do read more within the report:
- Members spent £1.92BN through consortia frameworks and achieved £147M in cashable savings. (Savings are calculated using the HEPA Benefits Methodology).
- Members had access to over 110 national agreements covering a wide range of strategic spend areas for your institution.
- The quarterly market insight documentcontinues to be a valuable resource for members, sharing market knowledge and insight on what is happening in the supply chains of the core category and framework agreement areas.
- Greater visibility of framework tender pipelines to assist members with their own tendering activity.
- The development of a UKUPC Responsible Procurement Strategy focussing on social value, working with suppliers on compliance with the Sustain Supply Chain Code of Conduct, promoting and monitoring Human Rights, and assisting members with addressing the climate emergency.
- A range of webinars covering prominent topics affecting our procurement professionals across UKUPC.
For more information on UKUPC, please see the UKUPC website.