A number of *UK Universities Purchasing Consortia (UKUPC) members are facing problems obtaining travel refunds, with some airlines being slow to respond or issuing vouchers or credit notes with no option to get cash refunds.
This is proving very challenging for a number of institutions particularly where the travel was paid for with grant funding.
As owners of the travel framework, SUPC is writing to the chair of the Business Travel Association (BTA) to request this is raised at their board meeting, highlighting the sector and the unique challenges it faces.
LUPC is endorsing this action on behalf of its members, and the framework suppliers are being asked for their support.
*UKUPC (UK Universities Purchasing Consortia) is the evolved convergence of eight UK Consortia; APUC, HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC, SUPC, TEC and TUCO.